Offer Accepted!
Looking to sell your business? I have qualified xxxxx me
Garth Lawrence
*Exclusive to Garth Lawrence*
Amazing Cafe located in the heart of the Inner West.
Huge space here with seating for over 60 it includes a fully equipped kitchen with exhaust, grease trap and cool room. The business is currently operating 6 days per week with huge potential to increase the numbers in this space. Get in for less than fit out cost and make this space your own. Charming interior with indoor and outdoor seating and plenty of passing foot xxxxx is only $1061 Per Week with Lease in place. Call the business Agent today Garth Lawrence xxxxx to book an inspection.
Businesses in this area rarely become available. Your chance to be part of the hustle and bustle that this beautiful suburb has to offer.
Offer Accepted Cafe for Sale Sydney Inner West 6 Days Rent Only 1061 Per Week
Five Dock NSW
Asking Price