Currently the cafe/restaurant provides its customers lebanese vegetarian cuisine.
the menu can be changed to include meat to increase business income.
One chef, one kitchen hand.
The restaurant was recently approved by Fairfield Council to cloose at 10pm with an opening time of 6am.
Landlord is flexible with a long term lease contract.
Perfect for a husband & wife for a family business.
Reason for Sale
Landlord established a business with the intent on selling to aspiring new business owners.
About the Business
The business currently provides its customers with vegetarian lebanese cuisine.
With the cafe open in the morning its the perfect spot for tradies on their way to work to pick up a freshly brewed coffee, located on a busy main road with schools and the very popular Mounties Club, a post office, a barber, a pharmacy, a supermarket & butcher.
There are other small businesses surrounding the restaurant & the clientele are friendly local residents who are eager to support the local businesses in the area.
The restaurant has a successful flow of orders on all delivery services such as Uber Eats, Doordash AND Menulog with many returning customers & 5 star rating on Google.
The business will include over $60,000 worth of kitchen equipment which will be listed in the contract of sale.
What makes this cafe unique is the location, with the council recently approving closing times to 10pm it brings so much opportunity for the business to expand into something fun and enjoyable for adults such as a shisha bar or dessert bar during the night. Fairfield Council also approved outdoor seating for its customer which is yet another bonus.
This enticing cafe will be a fantastic investment as it is left open to the new owners imagination.
Price Negotiable subject to rent increase
The restaurant officially opened in January, the business has improved profitably every week since opening its doors. Originally the owner bought the business as an empty shell with the intent on establishing & growing it for future sale as the business owner owns the building so it was crucial for the shop to have a successful business with a high end fit out. The cafe has been a great success which is why the restaurant will be going to its next lucky owners 6 months earlier than planned as it has already exceeded all expectations.