Falling In Love With Your Customers Instead Of Your Product Or Service cover image
28 Mar 2012

Falling In Love With Your Customers Instead Of Your Product Or Service


In today`s business climate you have to change your philosophical approach and Fall in Love With Your Customers Instead of Your Product or Service which is a whole new way of looking at the relationship you have with your marketplace.

It’s seeing yourselves, and your company, and everyone in your organization as the ultimate fiduciary, as an advisor, as a trusted, respected, expert advisor. And you have the responsibility and the obligation to counsel those people in what’s in their best interest.

To give them the very best short and long-term outcome.

And when you start advising them with their best interest at heart, you no longer will accept or allow them to buy less than they should fewer combinations than they should less quality of products or services than they should and less frequently than they should.

You’ll never again, take the order just because they’re willing to buy. You will never again be struggling with how to manipulate, what kind of things to say or do. You’ll always be focused on the fact that the more value you add, that is perceived by them, the more success you will have.

You will start thinking of your relationship with them all as “clients. If you talk to them or think of them all as customers, you should change and I’ll tell you why. In a world that is trying to slam everyone down to commodity and marginalized status, you have to draw a line in the sand and distinguish yourself.

And the way to do that is to start thinking of your relationship as an advisor, and the people you deal with as clients.

Look up in the dictionary the word “customer. And look up the word “client.

“Customer is defined as,someone who buys a commodity or a service.

“Client is defined as, someone who’s under the care and the protection of another.

You want to move the whole relationship that you have with your “customer to where they are your “client.” Someone you see as under your care and your protection.

Someone whose wellbeing is important to you.

The biggest problem that I see with companies I serve, and most companies I study, is they fall in love with the wrong thing. They want their company to be the fastest growing, the biggest, and the best, the Fortune 500 Company of their industry.

They fall in love with the mega-organization, the worldwide impact.

The way to greatness today is to transfer your ultimate passion away from your product, your service, your company, and instead, fall in love with your client.

If they’re at the top of your awareness all the time, and if all you focus on is constantly getting them the very richest, the very best, the most productive, the most profitable, the most enjoyable, the most enriching, the greatest protection in whatever your

product or service provides…you will dominate everyone else in your business sector, because they don’t look at it that way.

They’re in love with having the biggest company, and as a result, they don’t.

You also have to fall in love with your three tiers of “clients. The people who pay you and the two tiers of people you pay. You have to fall in love with your team members and suppliers and you have to want greatness for them. And you have to know that you are the vehicle to their and their familiesrichness and security.

And you have to envision the fact that their kids are going to go to college because of you, and lives are going to be enriched because of you.

Just as with your clients, you

have to see their businesses or their personal lives thrive, their prosperity grows, and their security enhanced. If you can’t visualize that you’re going to lose torque.

Falling in love with your client is truly transforming. It’s the most liberating, the most animating, and it’s the most passionate concept you’ll ever embrace.

For further information on how your business can benefit from these and other exciting business and marketing strategies call Bob Lyon direct on 043 883 0937 or get your FREE report entitled “How To Sell Your Business At Your Price And Cause A Stampede Of Prospective Buyers Literally Begging For Your Time by simply going to betterbusinessreport.com/ab4s1.htm